12 March 2010

Succulent: The Fat Plant

Ever since Cody and I arrived in Temecula, we have been trying to adapt our green thumbs to the much dryer climate in Southern California...or as the cool people say, "So Cal". So as soon as we established our gardens and gained our confidence back, Cody has been begging to start a small succulent garden.

According to good old Wikipedia, "Succulent plants, also known as succulents or fat plants, are water-retaining plants adapted to arid climate or soil conditions." This is definitely the thing to grow out here since water is scarce and the soil is practically sand and clay. One week when Cody was super busy at work, I went on one of my famous late night Lowe's runs with my friend Mo. She and I have never gotten out of there in less than an hour.
Half way through the shopping spree, I decided to gather a few starter plants and supplies for his new dream succulent haven. Wow was he excited to get started. I love surprising him with little things like this. If there is one thing that my husband has continued to teach me, it would have to be his appreciation for the littlest things.

The next weekend, he and I went back to buy a few more and he must have picked out the ugliest one there. I gave him such a hard time for buying it. However, this week it shot up a flower out of its center and has been amazing me the past few days. I noticed the other morning that it was about to bloom, and then later that day it was fully open! Funny thing, is that it closes up with the setting of the sun, so Cody has yet to see it flower. Realizing this, I decided to photograph some of these beauties, as they do seem to change quite rapidly. Hopefully this weekend, we will be able to enjoy them together.

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I am living in southern California with my hubby and cutest pup. Through our travels across country, we take many photos and enjoy capturing God's beauty around us in people, places, and things we meet along the way. There is no greater joy of mine than to worship in the midst of His creation and share it with loved ones.